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10 Reasons to Do Your Christmas Shopping Online

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10 Reasons to Do Your Christmas Shopping Online

While online shopping has become a routine activity for millions of households, many don’t realize that doing their Christmas shopping online can dramatically reduce their levels of holiday stress. Here are 10 reasons why shopping online can save you both time and money this holiday season:

1. Avoid the Crowds

No rush of people fighting for the same limited number of products. No annoying sales pitches. Just you and your computer . . . peaceful.

2. No Lines

Imaging no waiting lines, no checkout lines. Enough said.

3. No Children Present

It’s hard to buy gifts for children with them in tow. It’s even harder to keep it a surprise. But online you can shop after they are in bed or out to play or at school. And you don’t even have to pay a sitter. That means more savings for you.

4. No Gas!

With gas prices so high, it makes sense to stay at home and shop. Especially when you can get free shipping. And even better, you get to avoid all that traffic and fighting for a parking place.

5. Huge Inventories

Many online stores ship directly from the manufacturer or their warehouse so you have access to huge inventories of popular products. Many online stores update their online catalogs in real time. So in these cases, if you see it online you know it’s in stock.

6. No Bags to Carry

Trips to the mall can be quite a workout by themselves. When you factor in lugging around those heavy shopping bags they can get downright painful. When you shop online you get to avoid this burden and have your loot delivered directly to your doorstep by paid professionals (or have it delivered to your office if you want it to be a surprise). Now that’s nice.

7. More Store Choices

This is especially true for rural or small town shoppers. Most people do not have access to hundreds of stores within quick driving distance. But online you have thousands of great options. It’s like having the Mall of America in your own home.

8. Seller Competition

Related to #8, more stores equals more competition for your dollars. This translates into lower prices for you! You are no longer forced to either pay the high price of the only store in town with product X or go without. You now have many buying options — all of whom want your business and are willing to slash their prices to get it.

9. 24/7 Shopping

Shop at your convenience when you feel like it anytime. No need to worry about closing time or rush hour or even what to wear. You can shop in your pajamas if you want and nobody will know.

10. Online Coupon Codes

This may be the best reason. With online shopping, when you start with a “coupon site” such as Shopping-Bargains®, you get to use online coupons (called coupon codes) for free shipping, dollar and percentage off values, free gifts and much more. With coupon codes you can dramatically add to your savings. And the coupon codes at Shopping-Bargains® are free.

So what are you waiting for? Enjoy your Christmas shopping this year from the convenience of your home or office. Grab a coupon code, save a lot of money, and have even more fun when the packages arrive a few days later.

This post was last updated on July 20, 2023.

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  1. I don’t want to send my friends a monthly box of stuff they won’t be able to use. Thanks and thanks for talking about these sites. Just in time for the holidays!

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