As the founder and president of, I have the privilege of frequently traveling around the nation and even overseas. One thing I enjoy about flying is the chance to talk with people I meet on the plane. I have met people from many different places, occupations, positions and nations.
Some of the most memorable of such experiences have been talking with military personnel. Most, while at least a decade younger than I, demonstrate a wisdom and appreciation of life, freedom and this nation that is truly humbling. Their appreciate of life is not so much for their own but in support of their fellow troops and in protecting America.
It can bring tears to my eyes knowing what their life is like now in comparison to the relative ease of mine. When I think I’m having a bad day, I often stop and think about these brave men and women. It doesn’t take long for me to realize that I am not being shot at and wounded or killed. I even have plenty to eat, a hot shower and a soft bed. The bottom line, I’m not really having a bad day.
And as I think on this more, I realize that they are doing this for me and every citizen of this great nation. And perhaps even more amazing is that, with military service completely voluntary, everyone in uniform has either enlisted or re-enlisted since 9/11. That means they all knew we were at war and they would likely be put in harms way and be called upon to make many sacrifices. Some would give the ultimate sacrifice. Knowing this, they all volunteered for this service anyway. What a wonderful gift to the rest of us!
So with that in mind, I thank all of our Veterans of today and yesteryears for their bravery, service, sacrifice and love of country. They gave up so much for the good of others. They have liberated millions around the world and given hope to many nations. They have performed admirably and been the envy of other nations. For this and more I am very proud.
On a final note and in context of the above, I am pleased to state that I personally and we as a company proudly support our troops and their mission. As a way of expressing appreciation for our troops and their families who carry a heavy load with them, we have been long-time Military Family Network sponsors (learn more).
In honor of our veterans on Veterans Day, we also wish to highlight a few other military support resources:
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