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Easy to Use Methods that Excite Kids about Learning and School


Easy to Use Methods that Excite Kids about Learning and School

Right now your youngsters may not exactly be jumping for joy when they hear about having to go to school in just a few weeks. The months of summer filled with days of fun outdoor activities seems like a much better choice to them when compared to getting up early everyday and going to school. But, there are ways to foster an atmosphere of learning in your home right now that will make the transition to a regular school setting much easier and enjoyable for your child.

Back to SchoolYoung children may be intimidated by the thought of leaving home and going to school — especially if your little one is getting ready to go to school for their very first time. It is important that parents encourage their children to see the process of learning, as well as learning in a school setting, as a fun activity. A kid that is truly having fun won’t have time to approach learning with a negative viewpoint. If they are able to enjoy the process, they’ll never view it as a constant chore or an intimidating task. Many of the best methods to employ early on that foster a learning environment that is entertaining and fun is to incorporate music, rhymes, art projects, songs, and educational games into your toddler or young child’s daily activities.

An excellent, easy to incorporate approach for improving your child’s memory skills is to listen to songs with your child, especially catchy tunes that rhyme. Instead of just turning on the radio while you’re running errands with your kids in the car, listen to songs that they can sing and enjoy. Rhyming is an excellent source of establishing the foundation necessary for kids to be able to learn both at home and at school.

Also, make the effort to carve out a little time from your busy schedule to read with your kids. A child who jumps at the chance to read a book is much more likely to enjoy learning in a school setting. Learning requires patience and patience is a skill that has to be practiced (and modeled by parents) over time. Other activities such as art projects also get kids excited about activities that include an educational element. Parents should consider introducing a dynamic approach towards fun learning that includes interactive educational games, songs, rhymes, art projects, etc.

The influx of educational games online reinforces the trend toward engaging game play that has an important secondary educational theme built into them too. These games definitely support the notion that learning can be fun! At one time, educational games for kids were primarily limited to board games prior to the introduction of the Internet and its many creative resources.

Online educational games are especially effective in the areas of reading, writing, and math. Educational games played on the computer require your kid’s interaction and attention. Some of the most effective educational games are those that incorporate easily recognized animated characters from many of your child’s favorite television programs. Many of these games involve an adventure with a specific goal that ultimately encourages your child to feel as if they have accomplished a fun task while learning basic math, reading, and/or spelling skills.

Nick Jr. Boost Free is pleased to be able to offer parents of preschoolers and elementary school age children a fantastic discount on Nick Jr. Boost. Nick Jr. Boost is one of the highest rated online educational services available on the Internet. Nick Jr. Boost gives your kids the opportunity to “team up” with some of their favorite Nick Jr. characters such as Blue or Dora in a very personalized environment that guides them through exciting, adventure based game settings that serve a dual purpose: to have fun and to exercise skills such as reading, art, Spanish, and math. The primary goal for Nick Jr. Boost is to create a fun, rewarding learning environment that will help your kids with their transition into a regular school environment.

We hope that these methods will be helpful to you and your children as you prepare them for the upcoming school year. With the permission of Nick Jr. Boost, for your reference we have included a few screenshots below of some popular Nick Jr. Boost online educational games. Click each image to enlarge it for detail.

Nick Jr. Boost Screenshot

Nick Jr. Boost Screenshot

Nick Jr. Boost Screenshot

Nick Jr. Boost Screenshot

This post was last updated on March 14, 2018.

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  1. great post, thanks!

  2. Awesome content you got here!

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