If you have your own business you may have wondered if you should use Facebook to help promote it. In my second interview with Aundrea Self of WCBI, we discuss this topic for her “Caught in the Web” segment of MidMorning with Aundrea that aired this morning. In this 4 and a half minute interview I offer some tips for small businesses and emphasize the importance of interacting with your local audience and customers. Bottom line: Facebook can be an excellent platform to enhance your customer service reputation.
In review, my tips regarding businesses using Facebook are as follows:
By sharing community activities, I’m suggesting that you don’t just do marketing but offer exclusive content relating to things happening in your community. You can sprinkle this with special coupons, product information, videos, surveys, sales, and more but try to do this in a way that encourages interaction and a conversation with your followers (customers).
We also talk about Facebook ads and the ability to target them to your market area and even demographics. You can focus on just people who like relevant things or of a certain age range or marital status. That way you won’t bother people who are unlikely to be a customer.
Here are a few articles that might help you create your business’ Facebook presence:
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