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Levitating Globe Prize Sponsored by Edmund Scientific


Levitating Globe Prize Sponsored by Edmund Scientific

Surveys and reader feedback show that one of the favorite features of our newsletter is our prize contests. Our prize contests are typically sponsored by one of the merchants listed on Here’s how it works: The prize sponsor provides a product or service as a prize to one of our readers. In exchange, the sponsor receives premium exposure on

Our newest prize contest is sponsored by Edmund Scientific and is for a Levitating Globe. This amazing floating globe provides a cool example of magnetic levitation and makes an attractive and conversation-inducing object for your home or office. It currently sells for $99.95. Other floating products (picture frame, space shuttle, clock and more) can be purchased separately to levitate with this device.

To enter this contest, contestants must subscribe to our newsletter (both daily and weekly editions are eligible). In the newsletter we will feature a short quiz that serves as the entry form. Those newsletter readers answering this quiz correctly will be eligible for the drawing. One winner will be selected and awarded this prize in early October.

On behalf of I thank Edmund Scientific for sponsoring this prize. Since 1941, Edmund Scientific has carried a wide variety of scientific gifts, hobby gadgets, telescopes, microscopes, and more. Now they also have robots and other high-tech gadgets, educational toys and even fuel car kits and light sabers. Many of their unique products make excellent Christmas gifts for somebody who is hard to shop for.

I am excited to be working with Edmund Scientific. As a bonus, we frequently have Edmund Scientific coupon codes that you can use to get an even better deal. Sometimes these coupon codes are exclusively available through us!

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  1. I wanted to post a follow-up about our winner. On October 5 I announced to our newsletter subscribers that Cynthia W. from Everett, Washington had won this prize. Again I wish to thank Edmund Scientific for sponsoring this contest and I thank our newsletter readers for their enthusiastic response to this prize opportunity.

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