Our much anticipated Product Search Engine that matches individual products to specific store coupons and free shipping specials is now live at Shopping-Bargains.com. This new, price comparison-like tool gives shoppers the tools they need to save even more money online when they search for specific products.
Our Product Search Engine is powered by a database that currently contains nearly 700 store catalogs and 20 million products. And if you don’t think this is enough (we don’t!), we’re regularly adding additional stores and products to this database as well.
So how do you use our new Product Search Engine? Just look in the header on any main page on Shopping-Bargains.com and you’ll see the product search box (see example above on right). Enter your product keyword, title, model number, etc. and click “Go” (or hit return). If a product match exists, the results will contain (when available) product images, prices, short descriptions and store information including whether a coupon code or shipping special may be available.
Here’s an example of a search for an “iPod nano 8gb” using this Product Search Engine. Notice that the results can be further refined and sorted by name, price (low to high, high to low), price range, and even narrowed to products from a single store. If you select a single store, only products listed from that store will be shown and they can then be further refined by categories and in some cases even brands. Once you find something you are interested in it’s just a click away from learning more and then buying it.
But we didn’t stop there. Unlike many traditional price comparison engines that only display pricing information, we also matched our product results and the store selling them to our database of coupon codes and free shipping deals. If the store selling the product has a coupon and/or shipping special then we highlight that fact with an icon notifying that potential savings exists (see examples). That way you can jump over there in a single click to take advantage of it and save even more. Please note that due to manufacturer and other restrictions, some items and brands are often excluded from coupon discounts. When possible, we note that in the our “details” section for each coupon and deal.
I invite you to give our Product Search Engine a try. The database contains everything from appliances to tires, books to video games, generic to brand name clothing and much more. Don’t forget shoes, electronics, software, pet supplies, musical instruments, beauty products, craft supplies, tools, auto parts, movies and the list goes on and on millions of products long. Enjoy!
This post was last updated on July 20, 2023.
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Maddy says:
wow what a nice post about coupons and retail information.
Its a very needed information because i need some coupons to buy somethings.