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Shopping-Bargains Featured at PickySurfer


Shopping-Bargains Featured at PickySurfer

Today Danny Ton from the Picky Surfer Team contacted us to say that the users at Picky Surfer decided that should be the featured site on May 17, 2008 at As Mr. Ton stated, “Picky Surfers demand the best that the Internet has to offer, and we believe your site hits the spot perfectly in the Shopping category.”

In their own words, “is the creation of users who demand the very best from the Internet, whether it’s engaging content, useful information, or appealing design.” Each day highlights a different website — handpicked by their community and staff — that they feel is noteworthy and of value to others.

For each day of the week focuses on a different theme. Saturday is shopping and that’s why we were picked for today. also has a permanent page linking to us where you can rate and leave your comments.

On behalf of, I thank Danny Ton and his team for picking us. I invite our readers to check out the other top picks at

This post was last updated on April 03, 2018.

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