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Shopping-Bargains Is A New Face On Facebook!

On September 26, 2007 the Shop Bargains Facebook Application was launched for Facebook users. This free new tool can be installed within your Facebook account and displays a summary of online coupon codes and shopping deals from on your Facebook profile and canvas pages.

Starkville, MS, November 3, 2007 — Facebook is a free social networking directory made up of individuals’ photographs, names and other information. Facebook also provides a framework for customizing your account by installing fun and useful applications that interact with core Facebook features.

Earlier this year, Facebook created Facebook Platform and opened up their API (application programming interface) to web and software developers so they could create applications that interact within the Facebook system.

“Facebook Platform creates an ecosystem for developers to build applications that deeply integrate into Facebook and use its social graph,” Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook stated in a May 24, 2007 press release. “By enabling developers to make applications within Facebook, we’re working together to create a better utility for millions of people.”

“I’m constantly looking for ways to make it easier for people to use in their everyday shopping experiences online. As a Facebook user myself, I saw Facebook as something that was both fun and useful” said Mike Allen, President and CEO of “Knowing that Facebook was allowing creative applications to display content and interact within their system and knowing that we had useful online coupons and deals, I felt it was wise to build a tool that would bring these two systems together.”’s Shop Bargains application lets Facebook users customize the types of bargain summaries appearing on their Facebook profile page. Users can choose from among 33 shopping categories so they only receive bargains from categories that interest them. A click on a bargain summary provides full details (and the coupon code when required) and a follow-up click takes one shopping.

As Mike Allen explains, “Facebook is a social network and I wanted to make our coupons and bargains available within this space so shoppers can receive them easily, when they want and how they want. Essentially we built this tool to deliver on our customer’s preferences and not force them to comply with ours.”

Allen goes on to say he “wanted something that enabled our bargains to be shared, commented on, and passed along among friends who trust each other. He also wanted an alternative way to promote the great online retailers, deals and coupon codes on that does not rely on traditional venues like search engines, email newsletters and message boards.”

Some have felt that Facebook applications tend to be been heavy on fun and light on usefulness. Facebook user and President of PartnerCentric, Inc., Linda Woods, feels otherwise about this tool. “I think the Shop Bargains Facebook application is one of the only real commercial and practical applications I have experienced there. It’s useful, and it’s ecommerce at its most inventive. For me, it’s more interesting than sending fake drinks or ‘biting’ vampires virtually!”

Once you have installed the Shop Bargains Facebook Application you can customize it to your preferences and invite your friends to add it to their accounts too. There is also a place to comment on and share your favorite coupons and deals with your friends.

To add the Shop Bargains application to your Facebook account, follow the link below:

For further information visit:


This post was last updated on July 20, 2023.

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  1. This is a very nice blog

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