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Survey Results for Coupon Site Navigation & Search


Survey Results for Coupon Site Navigation & Search

Last week I informally surveyed our newsletter readers and asked a few questions about how they used our site navigation and searched for coupons. Here are some of the results from this very unscientific survey.

Category Navigation1. Do you use our categories (departments) navigation on our website (the left column)?

For this question, the answers were as follows:

Always — 18.2 %

Frequently — 54.5 %

Rarely — 27.3 %

Search Box2. Do you find what you are looking for when you use our search box?

Always — 6.1%

Frequently — 69.7%

Rarely — 18.2%

Don’t use the search box — 6.1%

3. How do you look for coupons on our site? (check all that apply)

Look for CouponsFrom the answers to this question, it is clear to me that most respondents do a mix of browsing and searching for coupons on our site. I was surprised to see how many actually browsed, but then again, this non-scientific survey may have over-sampled people who prefer to read since they took the time to actually subscribe to and then read our newsletter and take the survey.

I’m thankful for those who responded to this survey. It helps me see that both search and navigation are important aspects of a coupon site. It also suggests that sorting coupons and providing a rich mix of browsing options are valuable features to offer as well.

This post was last updated on March 14, 2018.

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