Late last month I announced that Sierra Trading Post was sponsoring our next prize challenge and giveaway for a $299.95 Celestron Sky Align Telescope. All our shoppers are encouraged to participate in our regular prize challenges — typically consisting of a short quiz about the prize sponsor — that are sent to all our email newsletter subscribers. Those answering the quiz questions correctly are automatically entered into the prize drawing.
For this prize, I sent out a five question quiz about Sierra Trading Post and randomly selected a winner. Today, I have the privilege of announcing our winner. Her name is Lynne Boutilier and she is from Fleetwood, NC.
I asked her if she anything to say about Sierra Trading Post and this contest and here is her reply:
YES! I have lots of things to say about Sierra Trading Post. We have been being buying from them for years. Their prices and quality, and customer service just cannot be beat! I recommend them to everyone because I know they’ll find just what they’re looking for, and at a super price.
Winning the telescope is such a blessing! We live in the mountains of NC in a rural area. We enjoy sitting outside at night to enjoy the stars… no city lights to compete with the view. Now, we’ll be able to really do that in a whole new way! Good thing my husband just bought a new winter coat from Sierra several weeks ago – stargazing in the winter, he’ll need it!
Thanks so much for your newsletter. It’s saved us lots of $$ and now winning this prize, too!
I extend my congratulations to, Lynne and am glad this will telescope will be a welcome addition to her and her husband’s lives. I also thank Sierra Trading Post for sponsoring such a prize of this nature.
I asked if she had a photo to share and she sent this picture of herself and her husband Boot. They are about to celebrate their 34th wedding anniversary and she told me this telescope could be their anniversary present. (Since they look too young for 34 years of marriage, Lynne assured me she was “a mere child” when they got married.)
This post was last updated on April 03, 2018.
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Judy Anderson says:
Congratulations Lynne and Boot!! That is so great you won the telescope, I am so happy for you. Also, congratulations on your 34th anniversary. Indeed, you must have been a mere child when you married.