Following an earlier WCBI MidMorning with Aundrea interview about password safety, I discussed several ways you can protect yourself from identity theft. This interview aired on the January 18, 2012 edition of this same program.
Identity theft can occur when someone acts in your name as you by having access to your Social Security number and other personal data. With this critical information and access, they can spend your money and ruin your credit rating. You can view this segment below and learn some things you can do now to protect yourself.
In summary, there are several things you can do to protect yourself from identity theft. Here are a few quick suggestions:
Do you have any other suggestions? Please share them in the comments box below.
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shredding Houston says:
Identity theft can be prevented if we become more responsible in taking care of our valuables. Also, we must not entrust to anyone our important documents to prevent them from committing a crime with you as the poor victim.