Times are tough and the economy is tight. Most hard working people are finding it difficult to meet their financial obligations let alone set aside funds for a special project, vacation, or other extras. At Shopping-Bargains.com, we understand this dilemma. Not only do we try to offer you the best deals we can find on a routine basis, we also want to offer a few tips to you that may help you generate some additional cash. Hopefully one or more of these tips will be useful to you and will allow you to pay off some debt, finish a lingering project, or take your family on vacation.
Whatever your situation may be it’s always nice to find ways to bring in a little extra cash now and then for your family and yourself. The following tips are simply ways that we have found to generate cash in a relatively easy fashion.
1. Sell Stuff (Craigslist, eBay, Garage Sales, Consignment Shops)
What’s novel about this? Not much really. But, with the Internet and the reach it has now, it’s easy to sell just about anything. There are several methods that, if you’re reading this online, are available for you to sell your items. We recommend starting with Craigslist simply because it’s a heavily visited site and in most cases, it doesn’t cost you anything to list your ad.
Craigslist.org has become a favorite around the world for buying and selling items locally. Regardless of where you live, chances are that you have a local Craigslist site available that covers your geographic area. In most cases, it’s free to list items for sale. Do you have duplicate items, items you no longer use, or a gift that someone gave you that you’ll never really use? Sell those items!
However, if you desire, you can list your items on eBay (this will cost you money though). Just be sure that you’ll be able to easily ship what ever it is that you’re selling. If you are not interested in shipping it, we recommend that you not use eBay and stick with Craigslist.
If you’re one of those gifted people who have an eye for the hidden value in items, you might also consider shopping around local garage sales too. It’s possible to find truly cheap items at garage sales that you can clean up and then sell at a higher price on Craigslist or eBay.
Not interested in managing sales through eBay and Craigslist? If you have too many items or you’re simply not interested in using the Internet to sell items you should consider putting together a garage sale. Here are a couple of tips we found from a great article entitled “Ten Garage Sale Tips“:
Garage sales are a great way to generate one-time lump sums. If you can organize a garage sale with neighbors and advertise a much larger group sale, you’ll end up doing better. Garage sales are also a great way to get your entire family involved. Your children can sell items (with your permission of course) that they no longer use. Be willing to keep track of their portion of the sales too. This is a great way for your kids to earn their own spending money for vacation or a special item that they want to purchase.
If you’re not interested in a garage sale, you should consider using a local consignment shop to sell your items. You may not receive as much for them by using this method, but you also don’t have to do much to sell them either.
2. Sell Your Blood Plasma
It’s possible to earn over $250 per month selling plasma if you’re a healthy person and can meet the qualifications. Considering the fact that you’re body creates and replenishes plasma on a consistent basis . . . this is potentially a great source of additional income. You can learn more about how this works by reading this great article entitled “Plasma Donation: How to sell your blood for $260 a month.” It also features a couple of helpful videos as well.
In Conclusion
These are just a couple of simple ways to generate some additional income. We will be featuring some additional tips and methods to earn extra cash in future articles. Do you know of a good method for generating additional income? We encourage you to share them with us in the comments section below (as long as they’re ethical and legal). We look forward to hearing from you!
This post was last updated on March 14, 2018.
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